Quality labels, certifications and partners

Quality labels, certifications and partners

Ebben Nurseries is committed to people, planet and a better environment. We therefore hold various certifications as well as the Milieukeur ecolabel. We work towards a sustainable future, not only through our trees but also through partnerships and sponsorships.

For example, Ebben Nurseries is the main sponsor of Boomfeestdag [National Festival of Trees], and we are affiliated to MVO Nederland, de NVTL, NL Greenlabel, NAKtuinbouw en Selectplant, among others. We work in accordance with the Groenkeur guidelines and are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. At our nursery we grow our plants sustainably in accordance with On the way to PlanetProof.

Environmental policy and intention statement

Ebben Nurseries has been working for people and the environment for more than 150 years. In our environmental policy and intention statement, we define the most important conditions for a continuous policy in the area of people, planet and profit.

Download statement
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