Outdoor space, Jeroen Bosch Hospital, Den Bosch, Netherlands

Outdoor space, Jeroen Bosch Hospital, Den Bosch, Netherlands

“Choosing multi-stems means there's lots to see at eye level and increases the quality of experience”
Location: ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
Contact person: Ebben Nurseries, Marko Mouwen

On the edge of 's-Hertogenbosch, the care landscape of the Jeroen Bosch Hospital is adorned with an enormous diversity of multi-stems. In the development of the outdoor space, connection with the city on one side of the building and the landscape on the other side was central. From that perspective, MTD Landscape Architects used a large variety of multi-stem trees to create a natural character and contemporary design that does justice to the environment. Between the hospital buildings, there are patio gardens with their own green experience. The gardens act as a place to relax, where greenery and art make a positive contribution to patients' recoveries. 


Know-how to grow

There are no parked cars or ambulances in front of the entrance to the Jeroen Bosch Hospital, and no cool hospital atmosphere. People enjoy the sun whilst sitting on benches with large multi-stem trees of heaven completing the picture. On the landscape side of the hospital, the Gement nature reserve literally extends right up to the wall of the building. There are wildflower meadows of lush high grasses and a wide watercourse curving through the site. The native birch, willow, poplar and alder trees on the sloping reed banks complete the Holland landscape. Once inside, the green patios between the buildings draw the attention. For these courtyards we consciously chose multi-stem, exotic trees that provide a range of flowers, forms and colours: including Gingko, Magnolia, Japanese Flowering Cherry and Golden Rain Trees. As a result of this there is something different to see at every location in every season.

Ruud Dubbeld, MTD Landscape Architects
“Choosing multi-stems means there's lots to see at eye level and increases the quality of experience”
Ruud Dubbeld, MTD Landscape Architects
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