Bijlmerpark, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Bijlmerpark, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

“The Bijlmerpark really has become a back garden for local residents”
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Contact person: Ebben Nurseries, Marko Mouwen

Following its redevelopment, the Bijlmerpark is now strongly connected to the urban network again. It has become a romantically designed park, which offers quality in terms of use, experience and greenery. The usability for local residents was central to the design of the park, without the greenery being compromised. In line with this vision, a large sports complex, including football pitches and an athletics track, is situated in the centre of the park. Around this area there is plenty of space for other park functions and experience of nature. A wide main route, which forms a circuit of the park, gives visitors a sense of space and place. Additional paths run from here through the rolling landscape to various themed esplanades and lots of surprising planting displays.


Colourful amelanchier shrubs underline the cheerful character of a children's playground. Just next to this is an area reserved for the future development of an arboretum. A path rises and falls towards the nature area, where groups of alders and cypresses, surrounded by blue irises and hemp-agrimony, decorate the banks of the water features. Next to a large pool, on a seven-metre-high hill, deliciously scented buddleias surround a viewing tower, which offers a magnificent vista of the park. In the spring, the magnolia valley, located just a little further on, forms a real natural oasis when the countless pink buds begin to open. And in the recreational meadow, enormous cedars create a different green experience yet again.

Anne Marie van de Weide, Mecanoo Architects
“The Bijlmerpark really has become a back garden for local residents”
Anne Marie van de Weide, Mecanoo Architects
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