Park Schinkeleilanden, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Park Schinkeleilanden, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"The various tree species planted in the Schinkeleilanden park reinforce the function and natural experience in the park"
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Contact person: Ebben Nurseries, Marko Mouwen

Know-how to grow

Trees and other plants reinforce the function and natural experience in the Schinkeleilanden Park. The linear main structure of the old railway embankment is formed of a transparent avenue of pears and nature-friendly banks with field maples. The avenue of pears is made up of Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’. This ornamental pear is very versatile and can be used as a street tree in paved areas but also as an avenue or park tree as well as a solitary tree in gardens. On the park island in the De Schinkel channel, weeping willows and swamp cypresses set the tone. These typical waterside trees create an unusual experience in every season. In the spring, they are a beautiful bright green, in the summer they act as wonderful shade trees, the autumn colour of the swamp cypress is a spectacular reddish brown and the yellow winter silhouette of the weeping willows catches the eye even from a distance. Between the tennis island and the football island, rustling Italian poplars were chosen to act as a kind of 'room divider'.

Edwin Santhagens, Buro Sant and Co
"The various tree species planted in the Schinkeleilanden park reinforce the function and natural experience in the park"
Edwin Santhagens, Buro Sant and Co
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