Vierhavensstrip rooftop park, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Vierhavensstrip rooftop park, Rotterdam, Netherlands

"One of the largest rooftop parks in the Netherlands has been completed on top of a shopping street"
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Contact person: Ebben Nurseries, Toon Ebben

Know-how to grow

On the roof of the shopping centre, an area of one kilometre by 80 metres and with a soil depth of 1.5 metres has been used to create good growing conditions for trees and other plants. Steel mesh was implemented as extra anchoring for the trees. The majority of the trees planted are multi-stems, including a number of monumental specimens. A varied range of trees was chosen, to ensure striking colours in every season. The eastern edge of the park is characterised by a high-rise urban design, with tall trees and hedges acting as structural elements. The western edge is oriented towards the district and has a very green character with themed gardens at the main entrances.

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